Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Trio CD!

December 15th 2009

Great time of year. Seems as though everyone has a bit of spring in their step. Of course living in Florida while it’s 81 degrees in December...not so bad.
This is my first trio record. I’ve done things where I’ve played some trio things, but on this project we played 8 standards, one take each. We didn’t play any tune more than once and were done with the session in a couple of hours. Of course, great musicians are needed for a session like this and I am lucky enough to call the following guys my friends.

Dennis Marks Bass and Peter Miles on Drums

I’ve known Pete for about 15 years now. We met here In Jacksonville in 1995, and did lots of gigs together, mainly with pianist Kevin Bales. Pete just has an incredible sense of swing and really knows how to contour a tune. I love the way he plays in the guitar trio format, I can’t say that about many drummers.
Dennis is just ridiculous. He has such amazing musical instincts and the most frightening ears. We have been playing together for over three years now, and I learn something from him each time we play.


I’m very happy with this recording. I think it captures who I am as a jazz guitarist in every sense.
I’d like to thank every musician I have heard regardless of style. We are a product of all musical experiences, and I am moved in some way by everything I hear. I would also like to thank the Benedetto guitar family and my fantastic sons Mitchell and Sammy.

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